An Image Noise Reduction Approach with Channel and Other Noise Removal


Gursharan Kaur
Rakesh Kumar Kumar
Jasmine Kaur


A noise disturbance that occurs in the channel at the time of transmission irks viruses.  For ages researchers have been proposing several techniques in order to remove the noise from the image. Image denoising is the process of recovering true image from the noisy image. At the time of such process it is difficult to reduce noise while containing the boundary of the image as noise and boundary shares same frequency i.e. high frequency. Owing to this difficulty, numerous nonlinear denoising techniques have been proposed. These techniques have focused on the noise that enters through the channel but many times noise might have also entered at the time of preprocessing. So, technique in the proposed work, hybridization (i.e. combination of Median and Gaussian filter) has been applied which removes noise that occurs at the time of transmission as well as at the time of preprocessing. Experiments have been performed to check the performance of the proposed technique.      


How to Cite
Kaur, G., Kumar, R. K., & Kaur, J. (2016). An Image Noise Reduction Approach with Channel and Other Noise Removal. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(10). Retrieved from