Hydrogeochemical Study of Chasnala-Tasara-Sindri Area of Dhanbad District, Jharkhand, India


Pramod Kumar Singh
Rabindra Kumar


Availability and quality of groundwater has become a critical matter of concern for any locality globally and it is particularly so for a densely populated country like India. Groundwater has become a very scarce commodity and it is imperative to have a serious scrutiny and analysis of the prevalent situation in given locality with a particular emphasis on its portability. The present work concerns hydrogeochemical studies in a major coal mining area having cement and recently closed fertiliser industries along with coal washries are meeting the major requirement for water in the area. A systematic monitoring of the water quality under varying seasonal conditions over a large no. of samples collected from the area when subjected to statistical analysis certain conclusions can be drawn such as majority of water samples represent CaHCO3 type followed by mixed CaMgCl type and CaNaHCO3 type. All the parameters selected for the study, except Fl-, are well within the permissible limits. The entire area is fluoride deficient (>0.6mg/l) and can be one of the main reasons of tooth decay in children and bone deformation in elderly persons of the area.



How to Cite
Singh, P. K., & Kumar, R. (2016). Hydrogeochemical Study of Chasnala-Tasara-Sindri Area of Dhanbad District, Jharkhand, India. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(12). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124053