Condition Rumen Fluid Characteristics from Effects Indigenous Microorganisms in Fermentation Cocoa Waste


Fridarti .
Novirman Jamarun
Mardiati Zain
Rusmana W. S. N.


Ruminansia animal feed ingredients consisting of forage consisting of grass and legume which are now her availability begins limited, to solve this problem do utilization agricultural wastes or wastes containing nutrient plantation low as alternative feed ingredients like cocoa rind. To overcome these problems required a simple technology that is fermentation using microorganisms indigenous so that the effluent quality chocolate can improve. Indigenous microorganisms are microbes that exist in individuals without disturbing activities. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality characteristics and digestibility of rumen fluid from the rind cocoa fermented with microorganisms indigenous. The method used in this study is completely randomized design factorial design with three replications, treatment factors consist of A is the level of microbes (A1 = 5%, A2 = 10%, A3 = 15%) and factor B is a long fermentation (B1 = 2 day, B2 = 4 days, B3 = 6 days) and the variables; the nutrient content and digestibility of cocoa rind before and after being fermented and the characteristics of rumen fluid in vitro methods.  The results showed that increasing levels of use of microbes and fermentation time can improve skin quality cocoa beans that reduce the content of dry material from 15.691 to 13.634% and increase the protein content of the coarse 4.649 to 6.228%. Dry Material digestibility increased from 14.860 to 17.753% and Protein rough 40.472 to 54.519%. Rumen fluid characteristics are rumen fluid pH ranges from 6.427 to 6.603, NH3 production berkisar15,083 - 18,590mM, and Fatty Acid Volatile production of 97- 118.667 mg / 100ml. The conclusion that increasing the digestibility quality chocolate fruit leather can be made by fermentation by microorganisms indigenous.



How to Cite
., F., Jamarun, N., Zain, M., & N., R. W. S. (2016). Condition Rumen Fluid Characteristics from Effects Indigenous Microorganisms in Fermentation Cocoa Waste. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(12). Retrieved from