The Vulnerability of Irish Potato Production to the Observed Effects of Temperature Variation in Santa area, Cameroon


Clement Anguh Nkwemoh


The present climate change has greatly impacted global agriculture and this situation has aggravated the present burning issue of world food crisis. The Santa Sub-Division epitomizes areas over the globe, that are facing this problem. This study therefore stood out to research on the specific magnitude of the influence of temperature variations on Irish potato and the adaptation strategies of farmers.

Using a research methodology that entailed the administration of questionnaires and field observation complemented with topographical maps, aerial photos, satellite images and data from other secondary sources, the vulnerability of Irish production to the observed effects of temperature variation in Santa sub-division was investigated. Findings reveal that, there has been a rather generally gradual increasing trend with 9 anomalies, an increase in average dry season and rainy season temperatures, a fairly decreasing mean monthly minimum temperature with a gradient of -0.092, a considerable decreasing mean monthly maximum temperature with a gradient of -0.2575. A strong relationship has been observed between inter-annual temperatures; 5-year mean temperature trend, the mean monthly maximum temperature for March, April and June for the first growing season; the mean monthly maximum temperature of November and December for the second growing season; CV and Irish potato production. A high level of significance of correlation of 0.05 was observed between inter-annual average temperature and Irish potato production indicating a 95% probability that vagaries in temperature greatly impact Irish potato production.

The adaptation strategies that have been adopted were viewed at different levels. They include farm level, plant level and farmer level adaptation strategies. The test of performance, food security and the need to increase yields were the main factors that fostered farmer adoption of innovations. The recommendations entail the reinforcement of extension workers, improvement of small credit schemes, farm to market roads, rehabilitation of Meteorological Centers and the promotion of agro-forestry.


How to Cite
Nkwemoh, C. A. (2016). The Vulnerability of Irish Potato Production to the Observed Effects of Temperature Variation in Santa area, Cameroon. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(12). Retrieved from