The K-Anonymity Approach for Privacy Preservation against Aggregate Knowledge Attacks


Poonam Joshi
Shubham Anand Wade
Chinmay Gajanan Wadkar
Deepukumar Ramji Yadav
Rohan Vishwas Salgaonkar


In todays world preserving the privacy of individuals is difficult as attacker may have abstract or aggregate knowledge about each record.This paper is about protecting privacy of individuals in publication scenarios  using k-anonymity approach.The anonymization technique aims at generalizing attributes to ensure that aggregate values over the complete record will create equivalence classes of at size k.The anonymization technique addresses attack scenario and ensures that there is no information loss.


How to Cite
Joshi, P., Wade, S. A., Wadkar, C. G., Yadav, D. R., & Salgaonkar, R. V. (2015). The K-Anonymity Approach for Privacy Preservation against Aggregate Knowledge Attacks. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(1). Retrieved from