Concept and Case Study of Model Classroom Energy Management System


Vivek Jaiswal


Energy Management System is one of the basic energy management paradigm used to intelligently manage, operate and optimize energy need. This papers presents concept and build a case study for a model classroom considering a typical university. This has been done using energy calculation devoid of any electronic system and scheduling need with utilization in line with availability. The focus of study a classroom of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University and a case study is built to comprehend and implement the concept of energy management. The data pattern is collected for spring and autumn semester utilization for need and consumption. This is used to determine planned load switching and termination. Finally the economic analysis of energy management system is prepared and template is made which can be used for further similar investigation.


How to Cite
Jaiswal, V. (2015). Concept and Case Study of Model Classroom Energy Management System. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(1). Retrieved from