A Study on Securing Cloud Environment from DDoS Attack to Preserve Data Availability


M. Durairaj
A. Manimaran


Security plays a distinctive role in the digital computing.  All the operations are automatic and servers maintain large volumes of data. This paper discusses different techniques and extends with the issues such as challenges, security attacks, DDoS attacks and intrusion detection methods. Cloud computing allows huge volume of storage on web which makes available the data and services in distributed environment. Intruders target the cloud based data due to its storage nature. The most famous attack of cloud computing is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.  The DDoS is the biggest threat in the areas of internet and internet of things (IOT). To prevent these kinds of attack, the intrusion detection system should have strong protective mechanism. This paper delivers an ample survey and comparative study on various cloud security attacks in browser, application, network and server level.  The survey includes the DDoS attack types, vulnerabilities and intrusion detection techniques.



How to Cite
Durairaj, M., & Manimaran, A. (2015). A Study on Securing Cloud Environment from DDoS Attack to Preserve Data Availability. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(2). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124139