Ocular Trauma Pattern in a Tertiary Hospital


Vepa Meenakshi
T. Jyothirmayi
T. Vanisri


Traumatic mechanical damage causes severe morphological and functional damage to eye. Thorough examination through systematic and standardized approach, timely management and proper documentation play an important role in a tertiary hospital. Materials and methods: A study was conducted on patients with mechanical injuries in year 2014 from January 1 to December 31 at Department of ophthalmology, R.S.P.R.Govt. Regional Eye hospital, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. All the patients with injuries underwent thorough anterior segment and posterior segment examination, visual acuity testing with snellen's chart and necessary investigations. Patients were analyzed as per age, sex, cause of injury, time of presentation, vision at presentation, type of ocular injury and final outcome.

Results:  Out of 243 patients 197 were male and 46 female. Maximum injuries occurred in 25-44 year age group. Right eye 99 left eye 112 both eyes involved in 32 patients. 55 patients had adnexal injuries, 127 with closed globe injuries 61 with open globe injuries. Most of the injuries are due to violence (87) and RTA (78) others being domestic accidents or occupation related. 142 patients presented with visual acuity >6/18, others with <6/18 to NO PL.  Immediate surgical management was done in 76 cases. 15 patients with adnexal injuries and 25 patients with penetrating injuries had improvement in vision by two lines to five lines on immediate surgical management. 36 patients had complications due delay in presentation or severity of injury.  

Conclusions:  The result of the study showed that the injuries occurred in actively working group and students. Males are 4 times more affected than females. It is very important to treat promptly and preferably within 24 hours to prevent permanent invalidity caused by reduced visual function or blindness of the injured eye



How to Cite
Meenakshi, V., Jyothirmayi, T., & Vanisri, T. (2015). Ocular Trauma Pattern in a Tertiary Hospital. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(2). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124143

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