Infographics: The Artistic Way to Convey Information into Knowledge


Niharika Singhal
Aparna Anil


Today we are surrounded by information which is being bombarded at us from everywhere. The information is easily available to us. Is this easy availability of information making us intelligent or dumb? We are overloaded with information accessible to us but we do not retain much of it. That's where art and aesthetics comes in. Neuro-scientists have proved that a large part of our brain is dedicated to vision. Hence it very much possible that we are stimulated by visual information and find it much easier to retain. If infographics are aesthetically pleasing then it is much more possible to retain the information presented in them.



How to Cite
Singhal, N., & Anil, A. (2015). Infographics: The Artistic Way to Convey Information into Knowledge. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(2). Retrieved from