Optic Disc Metastasis in Known Case of Carcinoma Prostate


J. M. Lokabhi Reddy
Adilaxmi .
C. Sanjeeva Kumari


Optic Disc Metastasis is rare and amounts only 4-5 % of Ocular metastasis. Cancers of Breast and Lung constitute most of the Primaries which metastasize to Eye. Prostatic Carcinoma is the most common carcinoma in Men in Western countries. In India it is 6th common Cancers in Men. Distant metastasis to Bone from Carcinoma Prostate is most common. Optic nerve involvement from Prostatic Adeno carcinoma is rare and includes spread to the Uvea, Orbit and Pituitary region. We report a rare case of Carcinoma Prostate with bone metastasis presenting with unilateral visual loss. Patient was found to have Right optic Disc metastasis. Intra ocular Bevacizumab tried to control the disease.


How to Cite
Reddy, J. M. L., ., A., & Kumari, C. S. (2015). Optic Disc Metastasis in Known Case of Carcinoma Prostate. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(5). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124149

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