Improving Algorithm for Calculation of Page Rank


Abha Joshi
Avani Jadeja


The World Wide Web is the collection of large amount of data or information sources in the form of the web pages as websites and due to dynamic nature of the web plenty of webpages are deleted and added newly. When finding the web for exacting topics, users typically obtain unrelated and unnecessary information due to a waste in user time and accessing time of the search engine. So it is required to pact this problem, user's benefits and needs from their performance have become more and more significant. Page Ranking is an important component for information retrieval system. It is also used to measure the importance and behavior of webpages. Number of page ranking algorithms Page Rank (PR), Weighted Page Rank (WPR) are generally used in web structure mining. This paper proposed a new page rank algorithm which use inlink, outlink, number of the times user visits the link of webpages and mean value of the page rank. The relevancy of webpages returned is more and reducing the number of iterations to reach a convergence point.



How to Cite
Joshi, A., & Jadeja, A. (2015). Improving Algorithm for Calculation of Page Rank. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(5). Retrieved from