Study of an Irregular Plan with Different Orientation of Shear Wall in a High Rise Structure


Shivanand C. Ghule
Sudeep H. C.
Rajesh H. B.
Mukul S.
Prithviraj B. R.


Failure of reinforced concrete structures during the past earthquakes has taught us the importance of evaluation of the seismic capacity of the existing buildings. Presence of irregularities is considered as a major deficiency in the seismic behaviour of structures. Introduction of bracings and stiff shear walls are the popular methods of strengthening the buildings against their poor seismic performance. The usefulness of shear walls in the structural planning of multi-storey buildings has long been recognized. When walls are situated in advantageous positions in a building, they can be very efficient in resisting lateral loads originating from wind or earthquakes. In this work dynamic analysis of an irregular plan with different orientation of shear wall location in the plan is carried out using ETAB software. Also attempt made to study behaviour of structure with openings in shear wall.


How to Cite
Ghule, S. C., C., S. H., B., R. H., S., M., & R., P. B. (2015). Study of an Irregular Plan with Different Orientation of Shear Wall in a High Rise Structure. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(5). Retrieved from