Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on Clustering for Big Data Application


Divya S.
Kanya Rajesh R.
Rini Mary Nithila I.
Vinothini M.


As the technology is growing day by day,the amount of data created per second is more than we can imagine. The large amount of data created are also called as Big Data. In order to access those large datasets we have to go for parallel processing systems. By using the parallel processing systems, the large data are split and n no of servers are used for storing the data and parallelly executed. This paper deals with collaborative filtering method for effective searching and retrieving of data from large datasets with the help of clustering.Clustering is nothing but grouping of related elements. Collaborative filtering is a recommender system that predicts by analysing the interests of the users. Data sparsity will be reduced, accurate results will be produced and online execution time will be minimised.



How to Cite
S., D., R., K. R., I., R. M. N., & M., V. (2015). Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on Clustering for Big Data Application. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(5). Retrieved from