Color Scheme Authentication for Session Passwords with OTP Protection


Avinash Pandey
Vishal Bedi
Sumesh Valanju


All companies that use commercial applications on the internet are vulnerable to security threats. Numerous applications have been designed to secure these systems with only a handful of them, unfortunately succeeding in being able to provide good security to these applications and insulate them against threats. Internet Banking is under more threat than any other application and if one has to counter the threats, then some of the aspects like application, networks access control, etc. have to be worked on together and simultaneously to secure the systems, rather than focusing on securing them individually. Even in today's security-conscious world, most of the applications use traditional textual passwords which are vulnerable to shoulder-surfing, dictionary attacks etc. Therefore, new ways to secure various systems have been designed: graphical password scheme is one such instance. Unfortunately, this scheme also has a drawback as it is susceptible to shoulder-surfing attacks. To overcome this problem, a new age security system has evolved which uses a combination of text and graphics to generate passwords thus providing higher security. To strengthen this password scheme, a new technique called session password is introduced in combination with text and images. Session password can be used every time the password is created for authentication. A strong password is a good first step, but our proposed system suggests setting up two-factor authentication, which adds another layer between other people and your data. This restricts access to your account to people who have your password; also access to the secured level of authentication uses OTP method which not only secures authentication process but also provides a holistic and comprehensive security approach.



How to Cite
Pandey, A., Bedi, V., & Valanju, S. (2015). Color Scheme Authentication for Session Passwords with OTP Protection. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(11). Retrieved from