Advance Two-Tier Protocols Attempt for Data Upload in Computer (ATTPDC)


Somendra Kumar
Gireesh Dixit


The several clients-to-one upload problem arises when a set of clients needs to upload data to a single server. Uploads correspond to an important class of applications, many of which are limited by a deadline. This includes, e.g., electronic submissions of income tax forms, online shopping for limited-time bargain products, a n d gathering data from sensor networks. Such services create hot spots, which is a major hurdle in achieving scale ability in network-based applications. Two-tier protocols attempt to relieve hot spots in many-to-one applications. In this model, clients upload their data to intermediaries (also called supporting servers s1 and s2), to reduce the traffic to the destination around a deadline. The destination server then computes a time interval for pulling the data from bistros after the deadline. Bistros have limited storage capacity, and each bistro j may fail with some probability 0 < pj < 1.Previous works on reliable data upload report on experimental results.



How to Cite
Kumar, S., & Dixit, G. (2015). Advance Two-Tier Protocols Attempt for Data Upload in Computer (ATTPDC). The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(11). Retrieved from