Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Groundwater Quality in Maiduguri


Usman, Y. U.
Mohammed, A. I.
Saleh, B. A.
Hussaini, M.


The research was conducted on fifteen shallow wells of unconfined aquifer of Chad basin formation in Maiduguri. Physical properties and heavy metals concentration of water were analyzed to ascertain the concentration of heavy metals in ground¬water, due to the poor waste management practice in the city. Parameters assessed were the turbidity, temperature, pH, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, chromium and lead using standard laboratory procedures. The pH values ranged from 7.15 – 8.97 indicating alkalinity, and lies within the WHO acceptable limit.  The turbidity values were between 0.01- 5.88 NTU, and the temperature ranged from 28 - 36°C. Zinc, Manganese and chromium ranged from 0.08 - 0.45mg/l, 0.006 - 0.67 mg/l and 0.21- 2.61mg/l respectively, and all are above WHO standard limit. Iron and copper ranged from 0.25- 1.20mg/l and 0.008 - 0.55 mg/l respectively, which are within acceptable limit. Lead was not dictated in all the samples. The results showed that A1 and A2arepolluted, while B2 is less polluted. Re-designing of Maiduguri wastes management system to prevent the discharge of solid and liquid wastes in order to avoid contamination of unconfined aquifer of Chad basin should be encouraged.


How to Cite
U., U. Y., I., M. A., A., S. B., & M., H. (2015). Assessment of Heavy Metals Concentration in Groundwater Quality in Maiduguri. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(11). Retrieved from