Habitat Monitoring and Power Conservation Using Thermopile Sensor


Lakshmi K.
Anslin J.
Divya Varshini K. S.


Reducing the power consumption of individuals and organizations is the major concern for engineers and developers today. This paper presents a novel, low cost solution to reduce the power consumption. This project is being built considering a software development company, but this is equally applicable to other industries and even homes. The fundamental technology which forms the basis of the project is a thermopile array sensor. The thermopile sensor mounted in a robotic vehicle is used in this project is capable of detecting objects and bodies emitting IR radiations in the wavelength range of 2 µm to 22 µm, which is the wavelength of radiated heat. Thus, a thermopile is capable of extracting the details of sources of heat, within a certain area. With the data from the thermopile array and by making a temperature histogram of a certain area, a human presence can be ascertained. The thermopile sensor mounted in the robotic vehicle constitutes the sensing module. In case if there is no human presence in a habitat the switch can be directly turned off from the control room via wireless network and so the power is conserved.


How to Cite
K., L., J., A., & S., D. V. K. (2015). Habitat Monitoring and Power Conservation Using Thermopile Sensor. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(3). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124327