RFID Based Intelligent Trolley System Using Zigbee


Aniket Wani
Kruthika Thakur
Nikhil Vaze
Meeta Vadhel
Rupali Advirkar


One of the important aspects of modern electronic technology is embedded systems based on micro controllers. The main aim of science has always been to make our lives easier. In this paper, we discuss an innovative concept of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) which is used to implement an intelligent Shopping and billing trolley. Some of the issues faced by customers while shopping are:

  • Wastage of valuable time while standing in long queues at the billing counter.
  • No track of expenditure.

We observed that the main cause for long queues at the billing counter is not the crowd, but the time spent in scanning each and every item using the Bar code Technology.

Our project consists of an RFID based trolley that communicates with the billing side using a ZIGBEE (NRF24L01) module. The RFID reader scans all the items as and when they are put in the trolley. The record of the items bought is stored in the micro controller memory along with their individual costs as well as the total expenditure. This information will be displayed on a LCD screen which will also be placed on the trolley for the customer to verify the item bought and to keep a track on the amount spent on each item. At the billing side, the employee can get an itemized bill from each and every trolley just by giving the trolley number as the input to a software which would then print the itemized bill. Data can be erased from the micro controller memory after the bill is printed so as to make that trolley reusable.  


How to Cite
Wani, A., Thakur, K., Vaze, N., Vadhel, M., & Advirkar, R. (2015). RFID Based Intelligent Trolley System Using Zigbee. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(3). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124331