Data Mining Approach for Suggesting Higher Education Courses Based on Student's Performance


Revathy P.
Kalaiarasi P.
Kavitha J.
Madhumita D. A.


The main objective of educational institutions is to provide quality education and analyze the performance of students and help them improve.  Higher educational institutions ensure that students have no backlogs and above average students try to go for specialization in particular fields. Educational Data Mining (EDM) has become very important technique where educational institutions extract important details about students easily. Data Mining techniques helps in performing clustering which groups the students according to their performance which in turn shows whether the student is interested in higher studies or not. Using these analysis, classification is done to predict what the student can pursue as higher studies. If the prediction is positive for a given data, then field of interest is determined using classification and a suggestion is made as to which course the student can take up for specialization.


How to Cite
P., R., P., K., J., K., & A., M. D. (2015). Data Mining Approach for Suggesting Higher Education Courses Based on Student’s Performance. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(3). Retrieved from