A Novel Based on Soldier Tracking and Health Monitoring System Using Embedded Technology


C. Karthick
S. Idrissyedismail
E. Arunkailasam
S. Dhanapal
T. Devika


Army soldiers are protective shield of every nation, but when it comes to their protection we don't make large steps. Though there are many technologies, most of them are not used here they are given with protective bullet proof jackets, which are very helpful to save their life. But when it comes to technology they lag in large degree. We still use the old bullet proof jackets which reduce the impact of bullet. These jackets does not having warning system that would alarm the command center. This is overcome by our new proposed system with the help of various sensors and embedded system. In this research paper, automatically monitor and control the physical status of each and every soldier and tracking the place through sensors and GSM by using embedded system. Here we using temperature sensor, respiratory sensor and vibration sensor, its all are used to sense the soldier body temperature, breathing and vibration occur if any bullet will hit the soldiers respectively during war period or defense area. For this sensors placed on soldier bullet proof jackets. It will help to keep in touch with remote center via GSM and gives a signal about the soldier status and physical strength. Through this possible actions can be taken to satisfy the individual needs and can help them during emergency situations. It will be big hikes that make a new way protection of our soldiers and our nation.


How to Cite
Karthick, C., Idrissyedismail, S., Arunkailasam, E., Dhanapal, S., & Devika, T. (2015). A Novel Based on Soldier Tracking and Health Monitoring System Using Embedded Technology. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(3). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124343