Multilevel System Security Using Graphical Password and Pair Based Authentication Scheme


Shashank Sawant
Aishwarya Shetty
Payal Pawar


Passwords are used for authentication (the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be), authorization (the process used to decide if the authenticated person is allowed to access specific information or functions) and access control (authentication & authorization are a part of restriction of access). Currently available schemes include textual password but they are highly vulnerable to attacks because they follow predictable patterns which the hackers can easily guess. Multilevel authentication scheme is a combination of many other authentication schemes consisting of cued click points, pair based authentication system & audio or video play pause techniques. This scheme is user friendly & quite hard to break. We have contributed in making multilevel authentication technique to become more secure & user friendly to users of all the categories.



How to Cite
Sawant, S., Shetty, A., & Pawar, P. (2015). Multilevel System Security Using Graphical Password and Pair Based Authentication Scheme. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(3). Retrieved from