Preventing Coronary Artery Disease through Yoga


V. Vallimurgan
U. Srikumar
K. Mohanapriya


Today the people living in the world are with health problems, because of their life style and food habits. This may lead to CAD, and their knowledge is very poor in this problem. It is very dangerous silent killer we do not know when it will assault our body, so awareness is must among society. For this problem many researchers were conduct many kind of system to cure the diseases but it does not cured fully. To solve this problem here we study and analyze the potential benefit for the patients with CAD though yoga. Yoga is the best method to solve the CAD disease. From our knowledge we had taken yoga with two different group first one with drugs and yoga and second are yogasana, pranayama, satkriys and natural diet. To know experimentally how the result will effect to the people.


How to Cite
Vallimurgan, V., Srikumar, U., & Mohanapriya, K. (2015). Preventing Coronary Artery Disease through Yoga. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(3). Retrieved from