Comparative Study of ELSS of Public Sector and Private Sector of Mutual Fund Industry in India


Ajay Mittal
V. K. Agarwal


Tax Saving Mutual Fund is one of the financial instruments in capital market, here the study is based upon the ELSS of public sector and private sector Mutual Funds, main purpose of the study is to compare the ELSS scheme of public sector and private sector and analyse the market timing abilities of fund managers of ELSS. Good and bad news affects price movement, that needs to identify how much market or bench mark provided return. The tax saving mutual fund industry grew at a rate of annual 67% during 2006 to 2015 while mutual fund industry grew at a rate of 50% annually. Here various tools are used for analysis of performance of tax saving scheme of mutual fund. Its' included Price Earnings Ratio, Book Price Ratio, Return and Net Asset value and Assets under Management. Further take to considering the performance index model. Sharpe performance evaluation model, model represents return on security with risk free return on investment and then take into considering the variance on security. Pricing earnings ratio, price book ratio researcher follow the model of F – test, T- test,  test of one way classification of rows and columns. The model indicates rows variance from the average and columns variance from the average of the averages.


How to Cite
Mittal, A., & Agarwal, V. K. (2015). Comparative Study of ELSS of Public Sector and Private Sector of Mutual Fund Industry in India. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(6). Retrieved from