Economic Implications of Farmers' Level of Participation in Local Organizations on Farm Productivity in Niger Delta Area, Nigeria


Okwuokenye G. F.
Akintoye E. O.


The study was carried out to examine the economic implications of farmers' level of participation in local organizations in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Primary and secondary sources of data were used in conducting the study. Primary data was sourced from two categories of respondents used for the study. They were participating farmers (295) and non-participating farmers (295) in local organizations making a total of 590 respondents spread across three states of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Data on farmers' farm characteristics was analyzed using percentages and means, perceived reasons for farmers participation in group, and challenges facing farmers local organizations were analyzed on a four – point Likert scale. Multiple regression and Chow test were used to analyze the hypotheses of the study. Results showed that  farmers participation in local organizations was high, some of their perceived reasons for participation include Increased knowledge of farming practices, The public's good perception about me, Improved income, etc (mean 2.5). Some of their major activities include savings and loans, provision of credit to farmers, processing of farm products and crop farming. Multiple regression result revealed that farmers' farm characteristics and participation in farmers local organization have significant influence in their farm income. It was revealed that a difference (N187,101.64 = US$1,039.55) existed in their farm income (participant farmers had an average of N283,220.34 = $1,573.45, while non participants had N96,101.69 = $533.90) and so hypothesis one was significant (P<0.05). Results also showed that there is no significant difference in level of participation of farmers' among the local organizations of the different states. Major constraints of participating in farmers' local organization are lack of government NGOs assistance, poor access to credit and other agric inputs, lack of rules and regulations.  Based on findings, the study recommends that efforts should be made by the government to help increase or improve on the assistance given to the farmers in the groups, members in leadership positions should be should ensure a proper and fair distribution of the dividends accruing from  their organizations and strategies should be put in place to ensure that loans collected are paid back within the stipulated time.



How to Cite
F., O. G., & O., A. E. (2015). Economic Implications of Farmers’ Level of Participation in Local Organizations on Farm Productivity in Niger Delta Area, Nigeria. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(6). Retrieved from