An Analysis of Cause of English Language Anxiety amongst Hotel Management Students and Its Impact on Their Academic Performance


Sarika Joshi


English language learning has been an issue raised by most of the students for whom it is a second language. The incompatibility about speaking English could be not only because of the lack of technical knowledge, but also due to the fear of speaking. The fear thus keeps on accumulating in student's mind and they further hesitate to speak English. The insecurity that my friends will laugh at me, or the Professor will mark my mistakes in front of everyone always pulls them back and thus hampers their performance.

This study has gathered information on English language anxiety from the student's perspective. Students have shared their views on causes of English language anxiety, observed behavior amongst the students having English language anxiety and its effect on their academic performance. The study has shown relationship between English language anxiety and students' academic performance.


How to Cite
Joshi, S. (2015). An Analysis of Cause of English Language Anxiety amongst Hotel Management Students and Its Impact on Their Academic Performance. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(6). Retrieved from