Evaluation of Phytochemical, Antimicrobial and Toxicity Studies of Ethanolic Stem Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus Thonn and Schum (Euphorbiacea)


U. Mamza T. T.
O. A. Sodipo
F. I. Abdulrahman
I. Z. Khan


This study investigated the phytochemical composition, antimicrobial activities and acute toxicity studies of ethanolic stem extract of Phyllanthus amarus. The Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of saponins, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, anthroquinones, steroids and carbohydrates. Antimicrobial sensitivity test using eleven human pathogenic microorganisms across various concentrations (200-1600mg/ml) showed that P. amarus has bactericidal effect on five pathogens namely; Klebsiella pneumonia, salmonella typhii, Shigella dysentrea, Streptococcus pyogene, and Candida albicans all at 100 mg/ml except Streptococcus pyogene which is 200 mg/ml. The extract also demonstrated significant inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Salmonella typhii, Candida albicans and Klebsiella pneumonia with Salmonella typhii having the highest zone of inhibition of 20 mm which is even higher than standard drug (Tetracycline) with only 18 mm while the least zone of inhibition at the same concentration (1600 mg/ml) is 12 mm for Streptococcus pyogene. The result of acute toxicity of CEE of P.amarus on the wistar albino rats shows that the LD50 is calculated to be 1720 mg/kg using arithematic method of Karbar 1931 as modified by Aliu and Nwude1982 which translates that the plant is safe for human consumption.


How to Cite
T., U. . M. T., Sodipo, O. A., Abdulrahman, F. I., & Khan, I. Z. (2015). Evaluation of Phytochemical, Antimicrobial and Toxicity Studies of Ethanolic Stem Extract of Phyllanthus Amarus Thonn and Schum (Euphorbiacea). The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(6). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124479