Phytotoxic Effects of So2 on Crop Plants --Abiotic Stress and Reducing Sugars


Aprajita Chauhan


Effect of different SO2 concentrations  on the reducing sugar content in the leaves of three economically important plant species, viz.,  Solanum esculentum (= Lycopersicon  esculentum )[Tomato], Vigna  radiata (Mung bean) and Zea  mays (Maize) was studied . Controlled fumigation experiments were carried out using three different treatments of SO2 : T-1 = 0.05 ppm(134.0µg m-3 SO2)  [x 4h], T-2 = 0.1 ppm(268.0 µg m-3 SO2)  [x 2h] and T-3 = 0.2 ppm(536.0 µg m-3 SO2)  [x 1h] for 60 days. In Maize, the exposure period was extended to 75 days.  All the three plant species recorded an increase in sugar content following SO2 exposure. Maximum increase in reducing sugar content was observed in S.esculentum, followed by V.radiata and Z.mays . Changes in reducing sugar content seems to point towards a shift in the energy budget in order to make energy readily available for repair/replacement of tissue damaged by SOtoxicity. Reducing sugar content can be used as a reliable indicator of the metabolic stress state of plants in the absence of any visible injury symptoms.


How to Cite
Chauhan, A. (2015). Phytotoxic Effects of So2 on Crop Plants --Abiotic Stress and Reducing Sugars. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(7). Retrieved from