Incidence of Soil Protozoa in Aurangabad Vicinity


Shaikh Unaiza Nazneen
T. T. Shaikh
J. D. Shaikh
V. D. Jadhav


A Preliminary survey of soil protozoan's were carried out in Aurangabad (M.S )the present study highlights some soil protozoan's  which are important in ecosystem.Ciliates such as Vorticella Colpoda, Colpidium, Uronema, Arcella, Discomonas,sp. Among Sarcodina (amoeba) Dismastigamoeba, identified in samples. In enriched culture, Acella sp., Vorticella sp., amoebae and some small flagellates were also observed. It was shown that the distribution of protozoan cells was not even but greatly corporate among soil aggregates. On the basis of data generated total seven genera were identified during study period. Among these species Colpoda   are dominant over other soil protozoans. In October and November the soil protozoans are abundantly found.


How to Cite
Nazneen, S. U., Shaikh, T. T., Shaikh, J. D., & Jadhav, V. D. (2015). Incidence of Soil Protozoa in Aurangabad Vicinity. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(7). Retrieved from