Soil Study through Correlation Analysis of Chemical Parameters of Agricultural Land from Kheda District in Gujarat


Atulkumar H. Patel


Discriminant and Correlation analysis were used for the evaluation of agricultural soil through chemical parameters of  soil from different villages of Kheda district of Gujarat state in  India. Our primary focus is to study on randomly selected 51 soil samples. Under the Soil Health Card Program of Government of Gujarat, soil samples were collected by authorized locally trained farmers and brought for analysis to Soil Test Laboratory,. Standard Methods were used for the soil quality analysis. The aim of this paper is to study and evaluate relation between soil properties and macro-nutrients ( Phosphosous, Potassium and  Organic carbon ) by using Pearson's correlation  analysis. Present paper  concludes that the statistical method ‘correlation analysis' can give a scientific basis for managing the agriculture soil fertility.


How to Cite
Patel, A. H. (2015). Soil Study through Correlation Analysis of Chemical Parameters of Agricultural Land from Kheda District in Gujarat. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(7). Retrieved from