Medical and Non-Medical Interventions to Reduce the Risks of Cancer


Pramod Bhatta
Bhakta Man Shrestha


Different types of Cancers found in male and female such as lung, oral, stomach, colon, cervix, breast which are associated with the risks factors of smoking, chewing tobacco, excessive alcohol drinking, ageing, life style and heredity etc. in Nepal. The study focused to identify the medical and non-medical interventions to reduce the risk of cancer in Nepalese context. This qualitative study applied in-depth interview with the health care service providers of hospitals and senior environmental and sanitation engineers to identify the risk and relevant interventions to reduce the risk of developing cancers. Some suggested interventions were awareness on risks factors, training of health workers on precancerous stages identification, onsite better service and training at grass root level health service provider to assess and refer the suspicious cases to the higher centre. Respondents seemed very positive towards preventive clinics in preventing cancers and also minimizing cancer complications. Better record keeping, continuous follow up of patients and research on cancer prevention and treatment found important to improve services to reduce cancer burden. People had low awareness on cancer risks and access to service. Poverty compelled people to visit health facilities at late stage. Some other causes on growing cancer cases might be inadequate knowledge on cancers at grass root level, similarly people had less or no knowledge on adverse effect of smoking or chewing tobacco. Health education and service specifically for cancer in the country was not adequate to aware on risk reduction of cancer.


How to Cite
Bhatta, P., & Shrestha, B. M. (2015). Medical and Non-Medical Interventions to Reduce the Risks of Cancer. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(8). Retrieved from