Yield and Nutritive Attributes Are Not Considered by Farmers in Choice of Sweet Potato Varieties Grown in East Kamagak Location –Homabay County-Kenya


Onyango Rosally
Wilson Thagana
Joseph Gweyi
Laura Karanja


Sweet potato is one of the most important crops for food security and income generation in Kenya. The crop is increasing in importance as adverse climate changes limit crop production in many areas. Understanding the genetic diversity of germplasm of crop species is of importance for its rational management and use. Identification of the sweet potato landraces is paramount in addressing food security not only in the study region but elsewhere in the country. Morphological characterization of the accessions facilitates the identification of duplicates and unique traits which is important in the future improvement of the crop having the desired characteristics. The study aimed at identifying the factors that farmers consider in selecting the sweet potato variety to plant in East Kamagak location of Rachuonyo District, Homabay County. The experiment started with survey and germplasm collection aided by use of questionnaire. The accessions were used for morphological characterization, The results showed that 30% 0f the farmers selected sweet potato to plant based on taste compared to 24% farmers who preferred high yielding varieties. Rachar, Nyathi odiewo and Nyakowino which are local landraces showed high yield. Similarly Nyakowino which is a landrace is rich in beta carotene besides being high yielding. Thus, it is recommended to be grown in large quantities since it is important in controlling malnutrition in children.


How to Cite
Rosally, O., Thagana, W., Gweyi, J., & Karanja, L. (2015). Yield and Nutritive Attributes Are Not Considered by Farmers in Choice of Sweet Potato Varieties Grown in East Kamagak Location –Homabay County-Kenya. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(9). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124673