Login Management System for Remote Labs using Labview Web Services


Nayana Sahana
David Jackson
Madhu B. R.


Laboratories are essential part in science and engineering fields. It not only demonstrates ideas, but also it provides a practical hands-on experience to the students. Remote lab is a replacement of physical labs to some extent. It removes time and geographical constraints and allows students to access experiments from anywhere in the world. The project is intended to create a login management system for the remote labs set-ups so that multiple accesses to the experiments can be provided maintaining user's privacy. Two separate applications shall be developed, one to be used by server and another to be used by clients. In the Client side, two kinds of users are present, the admin and the registered users. The functionalities of the admin involve registering a new user and accessing experiments. Registered user's functionality involves selecting and accessing experiments. Each client can have labview runtime engine and executable file which is built for the clients to run the application.


How to Cite
Sahana, N., Jackson, D., & R., M. B. (2015). Login Management System for Remote Labs using Labview Web Services. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(9). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124688