Socioeconomic Status and Family Influence on Sports Performance among University Women Volley Ball Players


Renjith T. A.
Suneesh A. S.
Ashamol V.


Volleyball is played more than 60 countries by more than 60 million people. The game volleyball is invented in 1895 by William Morgan, who worked for the Y.M.C.A in Holyoake, Massachusetts. He was concentrated with providing exercise for large group of business man, and his earliest form of the game was designed to provide mild exercise for people of this kind. The game volleyball is a dandy game and more besides. At its top level competitive aspects, it is a fast moving energetic game demanding skill, strength, agility, team work and intelligence from its players. Moreover, men and women, boys and girls can play together for sheer fun, which after all is the object of playing any game. The game volleyball is very simple. Socioeconomic status refers to social and economic standing of a person in his society. Socioeconomic condition means it include with social and economic achievements of an individual or group in society. Family is considered as a cultivating, nurturing and fostering process, dealing with the overall development of the individual. The selected 30 women volleyball players from four different universities from the state of Kerala who participated in University and All India University level players. The selected players are from University of Calicut, Kannur University and Mahatma Gandhi University. Each of 10 players was selected for the above mentioned Universities. The ages of the subjects ranges between 18- 28 years. The questionnaire method was used to measure the Socioeconomic Status and Family Encouragement for Sports Achievement. In order to find out the difference among these groups, the ANOVA was computed and tested for significance at 0.05 level of confidence. In order, to achieve this, family has to be sufficiently established in terms of moral, financial, and social aspects coupled with parent's background in sport. The purpose of the study was to compare the socioeconomic status and Family Influence of sports performance among university Women Volley ball players.


How to Cite
A., R. T., S., S. A., & V., A. (2015). Socioeconomic Status and Family Influence on Sports Performance among University Women Volley Ball Players. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(9). Retrieved from

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