Identification Delineation and Mapping of Micro Watershed of Kolhapur Region


Sharayu S. Pujari
Sharayu S. Savairam
Anil C. Ranveer


Delineated watersheds are required for HSPF modeling and for BASINS watershed characterization reports, so we can characterize and investigate what is going on in one portion of the study area versus another. Delineation is part of the process known as watershed segmentation, i.e., dividing the watershed into discrete land and channel Segments to analyze watershed behavior. Boundary of a watershed consists of the line drawn across the contours joining the highest elevations surrounding the basin. A common task in hydrology is to delineate a watershed from a topographic map. Use of GIS (Geographic Information System) popular and has facilitated much of the work of hydrologists. The use of DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) in particular has made watershed delineation a smooth procedure. With help of QGIS delineation and mapping of micro watershed at Kaneri is done. This has given watershed boundary for the particular stream. The results obtained from watershed delineation have wider application for watershed management.


How to Cite
Pujari, S. S., Savairam, S. S., & Ranveer, A. C. (2015). Identification Delineation and Mapping of Micro Watershed of Kolhapur Region. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(12). Retrieved from