Persistent Queueing Problems Bedevilling Medical Centers (A Case Study of Giltoe Aris Specialist Hospital Kaduna)


M. C. Aligwo
M. O. Oladejo


 This work examined the queueing situation in Giltooe Aris Specialist Hospital Kaduna with respect to the arrival and service time patterns. Being a queueing network with five service facilities arranged in series, data collected on arrival time at the first facility and service time at all the facilities that formed a chain link were analyzed to obtain system queue parameters needed to evaluate the measures of performance of the specialist Hospital. Results show that the average time spent on queue is 1.86 hours, and an average queue length of 21.95 patients. These results indicate that so much time is usually spent on queue at the medical centre corroborating incessant complaints on delays in accessing medical care service at the medical centre by patients.


How to Cite
Aligwo, M. C., & Oladejo, M. O. (2015). Persistent Queueing Problems Bedevilling Medical Centers (A Case Study of Giltoe Aris Specialist Hospital Kaduna). The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(12). Retrieved from