Wireless Routing Protocols Analysis: Literature Survey


Sandhya Onkar Ahire
Dnyandeo Krishna Shedge


Mobile wireless devices increases frequently using mobile ad-hoc network communication protocols, what we can do to work on new reform leads to considerable researchers around the world days referred to as MANET routing protocols. The main aim behind this research unique with them new algorithms or methods of communication protocols exist to outperform existing routing protocols. In literature we have several routing protocols which basically in three main types are classified as such have studied, Reactive and proactive and hybrid routing protocols. In this paper, we are discussing are those three kinds all MANET routing protocol belongs to these. In addition to the main routing protocols, there are many improvements presented by various researchers and routing protocol is still research going on day by day. In different network conditions and MANET scenarios under routing protocol performance is very difficult to predict. The main focus of this paper us all existing routing protocols with them about features, functionalities and features are discussed.


How to Cite
Ahire, S. O., & Shedge, D. K. (2015). Wireless Routing Protocols Analysis: Literature Survey. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(10). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/125138