Chemical Analysis of Adulterants in Common Food Items and There Hazardous Effect on Health


Shazia Khanum Mirza
Syed U. K. Asema
Sayyad Sultan Kasim


Food adulteration is being done all over the world. It differs from one country to another country. It also differs from one part of the country to another part. In this study we have taken some selected common food samples these are standard, substandard and loose etc. which are mostly used by the common people which include Tea, sugar, jaggery, Dry Red chillies, chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, dry coconuts, Til (sesame seeds) poppy seeds, shah zeera, mustard seeds, cinnamon and Brown (gavran) Eggs that are available in the local market of Aurangabad (M.S), which is chemically analysed for their adulterants present in them. The adulterants which are used for adulteration was very much similar in look, colour, texture, etc. that of the real food samples, it is difficult to detect by colour, visual or ordinary examination. The chemical tests revealed presence of adulterants such as used tea in loose tea sample. Chalk powder in loose sugar sample, sodium bicarbonate in loose Jaggery sample, Rhodamine B colour in loose samples of Dry red chillies. Oil soluble coal tar dye Rhodamine B colour and metanil yellow dye in chilli powder and turmeric powder respectively. Salt and saw dust or wood dust in coriander powder, exhausted dry coconuts found in dry coconuts, fine stones, sands and rajgira in poppy seed. Cumin seeds & argemone seeds in shah zeera & mustard seeds respectively. Cassia bark is found in loose cinnamon. Brown Eggs outer shells are found to be dyed with tea decoction. All the dyes used as adulterants are highly carcinogenic and may cause paralysis, brain damage, liver damage, kidney stone, glaucoma, blindness, heart attack or even sudden death if taken for long time. Other adulterants when consumed may cause anaemia, diarrhea, stomach disorder, giddiness, and damages digestive tract etc. Young children and senior citizens with poor immunity are mostly affected by these adulterants. Hence, this study is to make society aware of food adulteration and to know there hazardous effects on health.



How to Cite
Mirza, S. K., Asema, S. U. K., & Kasim, S. S. (2015). Chemical Analysis of Adulterants in Common Food Items and There Hazardous Effect on Health. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(10). Retrieved from