Demand and Supply Aspects of Institutional Deliveries in Rural Madhya Pradesh


Pramod Kumar Verma
J. S. Parihar


Madhya Pradesh has been able to improve its demand aspects of institutional delivery during the period of 1998 to 2006. The socio-economic contexts of the woman were observed in rural Madhya Pradesh differences are expected to reflect in the utilization of health care services. The analysis has indicated the extent of influence of these factors in each of the study Madhya Pradesh. The supply aspect of institutional delivery indicates that the availability of gross-root rural health infrastructure in the public sector fulfils by and large the prescribed population norms. The high level of vacancies of and non-availability of obstetrician-gynecologists in CHCs and FRUs and medicines may be a major limiting factor in greater use of public sector for institutional delivery. The physical accessibility to private clinics, there is predominance, even with a much low density of the population. Greater proportion of women who lived in villages which was assessed as having High quality perception of health services,


How to Cite
Verma, P. K., & Parihar, J. S. (2015). Demand and Supply Aspects of Institutional Deliveries in Rural Madhya Pradesh. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(10). Retrieved from