Determination of Physico-Chemical Properties of Low Cost Adsorbent Produced from Activated Coconut Wastes


Egwu Chucks Nelson
Evbuomwan Benson O.
Ibrahim Abdulmumuni Onota


Activation of coconut waste to produce acid activated coconut shell (ACS) and acid activated coconut coir (ACC) was carried out. Surface properties e.g. PH, Ash content (%), Moisture content (%), Bulk Density (g/ml)-1, Pore Volume (ml/g), Particle Density (ml/g)-1. Porosity (%), Iodine Number (mg/g), CEC (Meq/100g), Specific surface area (m2/g) and Surface charge density (Mq/100m2) of ACS, ACC were determined and found to be within the range when compared with commercial activated carbon.


How to Cite
Nelson, E. C., O., E. B., & Onota, I. A. (2015). Determination of Physico-Chemical Properties of Low Cost Adsorbent Produced from Activated Coconut Wastes. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 3(10). Retrieved from