Non- Syndromic Multiple Impacted Supernumerary Teeth: Report of a Case with 15 Supplemental Teeth


Purnachandrarao Naik N.
Ravi Kiran A.
Samata Y.
Vijay Kumar A.
Kalyan Kumar D.


The presence of unerupted supernumerary teeth can be suspected where there is abnormal axial inclination of teeth in an area, local spacing especially in the upper central incisor region or failure of permanent teeth to erupt. Although multiple impacted supernumerary teeth without any associated syndromes are rare, their occurrence can create a variety of clinical problems such as derangement of the occlusion, prevention of eruption of permanent teeth, damage to adjacent teeth, cystic degeneration and root resorption. Hence, radiographic evaluation of patients should always be thorough in order to detect their presence. The fact is herewith emphasized with a report of a case; A 20 year old male who was detected with 15 multiple impacted supernumerary teeth without any associated disorders or syndromes, which can be considered as rare, as the maximum number of impacted supernumerary teeth reported in the literature, were 14.


How to Cite
N., P. N., A., R. K., Y., S., A., V. K., & D., K. K. (2014). Non- Syndromic Multiple Impacted Supernumerary Teeth: Report of a Case with 15 Supplemental Teeth. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(1). Retrieved from