Prehistoric Akkie Music


M. Arulmani
V. R. Hema Latha



Global level there are so many System of Music exists.  Every music system has its own music concepts, philosophies and theories.

Based on intensive research, this article tries to forecast the difference between MUSIC and  NOISE.

AKKIE MUSIC shall be considered  as the Origin of first Music in Pre-historic time.  The characteristics of Akkie Music shall be defined within the following scope.

  • Akkie Music originated from ”SILENCE”.
  • Akkie Music originated from "STAR DUST”.
  • Akkie Music Exist even before origin of life and EARTHLY HUMAN.
  • Akkie Music is a cluster of three "ORGANISED SOUND”.
  • Akkie Music has Mathematical, physical, chemical PROPERTIES.
  • Akkie Music is a "SUSTAINED MUSIC”  for ever.
  • Akkie Music is a "PURE MUSIC”.
  • Akkie Music is free from "HORMONICS”.
  • Akkie Music has only single ALPHABET.
  • Akkie Music is like "RADIATION”.

Any Phoneme having "Organised Sound” shall be classified as "MUSIC”.  Any phoneme having Unorganised Sound shall be classified as NOISE.  NOISE  shall also be defined within the following scope.

  • NOISE  shall be considered as SPECIES to MUSIC.
  • NOISE  shall not be considered as PURE MUSIC.
  • NOISE shall be considered containing many Harmonics.
  • NOISE shall not be considered as a Sustained Music.
  • NOISE also shall be considered having alphabets but these alphabets shall be considered as species alphabets of Prehistoric Music Alophabet.
  • NOISE shall be considered not having any Mathematical, physical, chemical properties.
  • NOISE shall be considered originated from Harmonics and not from Pure Music.
  • NOISE shall be considered containing many sounds whereas Pure Music contains cluster of only three sounds.
  • NOISE shall be considered originated from Matter evolved from Star Dust whereas Pure Music shall be considered originated from STAR DUST.
  • NOISE shall not be considered having "Radiation”  effect..
  • NOISE can Kill whereas Pure Music  can enlighten LIFE.

This research also focus that HEART BEAT of every human shall be considered as PURE MUSIC TUNED with "SUSTAINED AKKIE MUSIC” of COSMO UNIVERSE DARK ENERGY.

All human made Music from Mouth, Hands, Instruments shall be considered as

  • "Species Music”
  • "Impure Music”
  • "Organised Noise”

This research article further focus that all evolved matter such as various planets, Comets, Asteroids, elemens, Molecules, considered as in "Equilibrium State” due tp Mathematicsl Physics, Chemical properties of "NOISE shall be considered "Sustained Akkie Music”.



How to Cite
Arulmani, M., & Latha, V. R. H. (2013). Prehistoric Akkie Music. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 1(7). Retrieved from