Multimedia Descriptive Long Take Video Pool Retrived from One Shot Video Composition


Priya A.
Ranjitha E.
K. Ramadevi


A large amount of short, single-shot videos are created by personal camcorder every day, such as the small video clips in family albums, and thus a solution for presenting and managing these video clips is highly desired. From the perspective of professionalism and artistry, long-take/shot video, also termed one shot video, is able to present events, persons or scenic spots in an informative manner. This paper presents a novel video composition system "Video Puzzle” which generates aesthetically enhanced  Long- shot videos from short video clips. Our task here is to automatically composite several related single shots into a virtual long-take video with spatial and temporal consistency.


How to Cite
A., P., E., R., & Ramadevi, K. (2014). Multimedia Descriptive Long Take Video Pool Retrived from One Shot Video Composition. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(3). Retrieved from