A New Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Bottleneck-Cost Transportation Problems


A. Akilbasha
G. Natarajan
P. Pandian


A new method is proposed for finding an optimal solution to fully fuzzy bottleneck transportation problems which is very different from other existing methods. Then, for finding all efficient solutions of a fully fuzzy bottleneck-cost transportation problem, the proposed method will provide the necessary decision support to decision makers while they are handling time oriented logistic problems. The solution procedure is illustrated with numerical examples.



How to Cite
Akilbasha, A., Natarajan, G., & Pandian, P. (2014). A New Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Bottleneck-Cost Transportation Problems. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(7). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/128168