Cluster Ensemble Methods for Detection and Classification of Malwares and Phishing Websites


Trupti Mane
Sandesh Ilhe
Hemant Bhaskar
Akash Kamble
Suraj Khade


We are designing an automatic categorization system to automatically group phishing websites or malware samples by

using a cluster ensemble by aggregating the clustering solutions generated by different base clustering algorithms. Where

cluster is a collection of objects which are "similar” between them and are "dissimilar” to the objects belonging to other clusters.

This application will be useful to identify various internet related issues. Malwares and Phishing Web sites are one of  those threats which cause harmful damages. Though Phishing Web sites are one of the new threats and look different from malwares, they possess similar characteristics. They have similarities like Driven by economic benefits, both malware and phishing websites are increasing rapidly, most of their essence is stable and etc.


How to Cite
Mane, T., Ilhe, S., Bhaskar, H., Kamble, A., & Khade, S. (2014). Cluster Ensemble Methods for Detection and Classification of Malwares and Phishing Websites. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(12). Retrieved from