Histopathological Changes Induced by Sub Lethal Toxicity of Nuvan in the Liver and Kidney of Fresh Water Fish Channapunctatus. (Bloch.)


Suneel Kumar
R. K. Gautam


There are many different types of environmental pollutants which are able to kill a large number of animals, birds and even human beings with-in few seconds. The dangerous effects of pollution in our environment on account of large scale use of pesticides.  Nuvan (Dichlorovas) is a member of chemicals organophosphorus compounds. It is extremely toxic to insects and is widely used as insecticides. It is affective against flies, aphids, spider, mites, caterpillars, thirps and white flies in green house, outdoor fruits and vegetables and crops.  Nuvan has been taken for the acute toxicity to a fresh water fish Channa punctatus LC50 value calculated for the acute toxicity, which were 0.024 ml/L. Histopathological study of kidney and liver after 7th, 14th, 21 and 28 days exposure to sub lethal toxicity of Nuvan. The aim of this study is to show the alteration in histopathological changes in liver and kidney and get the real picture of toxicological effect of organophosphate pesticide Nuvan,and correlated to know about the adverse consequence of environmental toxicant on human health. The study is very important from histopathological point of view.


How to Cite
Kumar, S., & Gautam, R. K. (2014). Histopathological Changes Induced by Sub Lethal Toxicity of Nuvan in the Liver and Kidney of Fresh Water Fish Channapunctatus. (Bloch.). The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(13). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/128234