Vitamin C in Combination with Corticosteroids in Veterinary Practice: Report of Clinical Cases


Offiong, Edem Effiong Asukwo
Obioku, Obioku Eyo
Akpabio, Uduak
Okpongette, Ruth. Odudu
Maimuna Habib


Vitamin C a water soluble vitamin plays a major role as antioxidant and as an immune booster as well as many other functions. As a chemotherapeutic agent, it is used also in cancer therapies due to its ability to enhance survival, improves quality of life and the reduction of the adverse effects of the generally accepted cancer treatment. Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs with the ability to suppress the immune system while helping the body to heal itself without much harm and scars. As the case may be it is advisable to use corticosteroids only on animals with robust immune system and as such the use of Vitamin C with Corticosteroids in these cases was justified as explained by the case in the text below. It is also advised that Vitamin C be used in all or most therapeutic cases in order to enhance immediate healing.


How to Cite
Asukwo, O. E. E., Eyo, O. O., Uduak, A., Odudu, O. R., & Habib, M. (2014). Vitamin C in Combination with Corticosteroids in Veterinary Practice: Report of Clinical Cases. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(13). Retrieved from