Rank Employee Promotion Eligibility Based on AHP & Fuzzy TOPSIS


Eldest Nediasa
Septi Andryana
Ucuk Darusallam


The quality of human resources in an organization or a corporate is one of, if not the most significant factor in terms of corporate's performance and progress, the human resource holds an important role in the process of increasing the organization and corporate performance, this process includes aspects such as planning, leadership, skills and the ability to work together as a team. Organization or corporate use various types of rewards to employees to enhance their performance (Amabile, 1996) in practice, a performance or work evaluation is needed to choose and filter the best employees to maximize the selection of promotion, This process also needs a thorough evaluation process in order to choose the best employee in order to maximize overall organization or company performance, to bolster this process we need an efficient and effective method that can generate an objective result that can help decision makers.


How to Cite
Nediasa, E., Andryana, S., & Darusallam, U. (2018). Rank Employee Promotion Eligibility Based on AHP & Fuzzy TOPSIS. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 6(1). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/130004