A Survey on Hybrid Function of Image Fusion and Super-Resolution Techniques


J. Sapthika
T. Jemima Jebaseeli


 The multiple source images of similar information by applying signal  transmission and fusion techniques, which integrates with accurate information. The efficiency of the low quality input image resolution can be improved by a specific step called super resolution. A novel work flow of combining image fusion and super resolution depends upon the application of using signals with sparse representation. The sparse representation technique follows transforming and decomposing an input image into differentiated frequency components based on sub-band separation. Obtained image coefficients are fused with their respective high and low frequency components. A hybrid image with high resolution information is obtained by fusing the high and low frequency components,results an image for processing


How to Cite
Sapthika, J., & Jebaseeli, T. J. (2014). A Survey on Hybrid Function of Image Fusion and Super-Resolution Techniques. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(1). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/131943