Clustering Based Data Transmission Using NDD Algorithm in WSN's


M. Sasipriya
B. Kaalavathi


In wireless sensor network have a Mobile sink effectively retrieve sensory data from such isolated sensor node. Existing approaches involve either single-hop transfer of data from Sensor Nodes. Our proposed protocol called as Mobicluster. To build cluster structures consisted of member nodes that route their measured data to the assigned Cluster Head. The numbers of cluster heads to collect the all data send to the sink node in the network. The Cluster Head performs data filtering upon the raw data exploiting potential spatial-temporal data redundancy and forward the filtered information to their assigned Mobile sink.  Its aim to minimize the overall network overhead and energy expenditure associated with the Multi-hop data retrieval process while also ensuring balanced energy consumption among Cluster Nodes and prolonged network lifetime. The Neighbour Discovery Distance Algorithm used to provide ID based data transmission on the network. Use these algorithms to transfer the data in source to destination without any damage or loss as well as each node to have the neighbour's node address. Use the Neighbour Discovery Distance method to improving performance of the resources and energy level of the network latency and then improve the bandwidth estimation of the network.


How to Cite
Sasipriya, M., & Kaalavathi, B. (2014). Clustering Based Data Transmission Using NDD Algorithm in WSN’s. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(2). Retrieved from