Compact Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Employing Rectangular Slits and Circular Impedance Stepped Stubs with Improved Performances


Karthik K. C.
Sajitha A. S.


In this paper, a Compact Ultra-Wideband Bandpass filter is being designed using circular impedance stepped stubs along with a rectangular slit which provides an efficient and improved bandwidth for ultra wideband applications.Due to the implementation of rectangular slit within each of the circular stub radius,the frequency obtained at the output changes.Infact the simulation of this design is being carried out using MICROWAVE CST STUDIO. The simulation gives us three resonance mode centered on 7.0836GHz,8.1451GHz and 15.024 GHz.For 0 dB attenuation sidebands forms 6.6624GHz to 7.2158GHz frequencies and at -5 dB attenuation the lowest side bands produces certain frequencies ranging from   6.9651GHz to 7.2158GHz,7.912GHz to 8.364GHz,14.828 to 15.218GHz. All these frequency set corresponds to Microwave frequency spectrum lying in the X and Ku band respectively .The output obtained will be having insertion lossless and return loss noise free characteristics,which will enable the filter to perform efficiently for both indoor and outdoor performances.


How to Cite
C., K. K., & S., S. A. (2014). Compact Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Employing Rectangular Slits and Circular Impedance Stepped Stubs with Improved Performances. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(3). Retrieved from